This week, we studied the uplifting ideas of Transcendentalism, a movement which placed emphasis on the power of the individual mind and the inherent goodness of man. This was refreshing, especially since people my age (including myself) spend so much time on the internet, and it sometimes seems like the only opinions that matter are other people’s. If you’ve ever scrolled down a YouTube video and read the comments, you know what I’m talking about -- witty and hilarious observations, aggressive comments alienating other commenters for their beliefs or opinions, critical comments that the uploader is “hot” (or utterly hideous), added to the fact that even these comments are evaluated by other YouTubers through the thumbs up/down feature... These same effects are magnified on facebook in that the responses are from people you directly know (admit it, you feel a little embarrassed when everyone else’s comment has 10 likes, and yours doesn’t have any). Even though the internet does a great job of connecting the world, it has completely amplified the value of other people’s opinions...
We spend so much time worrying about how other people will react to whatever we do. An embarrassing moment is likely to last forever in our own memories, but to a stranger is forgotten in a day. In the end, it is often these moments of embarrassment that give us the experience to succeed -- small failures are inevitable on the path to success, and wondering whether others will accept these failures is a waste of time (albeit one that is difficult to avoid).