Gummy Vite (n.) a children's multivitamin cleverly disguised as a delicious gummy bear; it tricks children into enjoying their vitamins and forces them to question the definition of candy as they know it.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Power of an Individual -- We Are All Connected

As we discussed writings like Paine’s “The Crisis” and Jefferson’s “Declaration of Independence” this week, it became increasingly noticeable how forcefully their writings have shaped the values at the core of the American identity and how incredibly indelible their marks on history are as a result. As evidenced by the Chinese man who was recently jailed for wearing a t-shirt bearing the phrase “Give me Liberty, or give me Death!”, people today are greatly affected by choices made even centuries ago.
According to the “Six Degrees of Separation”, everyone is about six introductions away from any other person in the world, i.e. you probably know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows Ryan Gosling. In this light, one can almost imagine humanity as a giant web, threads sprouting from and connecting each of the 7+ billion people of the world together. Accordingly, each person influences those around him or her, who in turn influence those around them, and so on...the fate of everyone is based on individual choices. Obviously, some are more influential than others, and the Paines and Jeffersons of today will go on to change the lives of those living in the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th centuries.

Some wise words from Nick Cage:


  1. It was interesting how you connected the ideas of years past to the future by using Ryan Gosling. More importantly, you also connected to what we did in class a lot, even stuff we just looked at cursorily. Also, love how you always manage to find a Youtube video for every post.

  2. I love how you talked about the human web of life and how everyone influences people around him/her. Also, it was really interesting how you said that everyone's fate is controlled by the choices of individuals.

  3. Your blog post was very entertaining to read while it still reveals a vital truth. We are all connected and all of are actions affect our people whether we know it or not.

  4. Great post Lillian! It's kind of mind boggling to think that we're all connected like that, but I suppose it's true. I also really like how you have a video from National Treasure to go along with your post. I think it's really fitting. Great job again!

  5. I really likes how you compared humanity to a giant web. It is true how each individual influences one another. We each have our own identity, but like you said we can so easily be influenced by those we hang out with. Nice post!
